CleanTech Iceland - Rules and procedures

Article 1

Clean Tech Iceland (CTI) operates within SI – the Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI) as an association representing the interests of cleantech companies.

Cleantech is a term used to describe products or services that improve operational performance, productivity or efficiency while reducing costs, inputs, energy consumption, waste or pollution.

Article 2

The aim of CTI is to advocate for the interests and policies of companies with environmentally friendly technologies and green enterprises. 

Article 3

In order to become a member of CTI, companies have to be members of SI. Interested companies need to file an application for membership which the board of CTI will decide on.

Article 4

The board of CTI consists of a chairman and minimum four   and maximum six other board members. The chairman is elected separately for one year; other members for a period of two years, so no more than three board members will leave the board at the same time. Board members can be re-elected but they shall not hold their seat for more than six years at a time.

Article 5

The chairman will convene board meetings as often as needed and in consultation with the CTI contact person within SI. The chairman, however, shall also convene board meetings if requested by other board members.

Article 6

CTI member assembly shall be held as often as necessary, though at least twice a year, including the Annual General Meeting. Invitations shall be sent to members in writing, either by mail or email.

Article 7

The Annual General Meeting (AGM) shall be held annually before the end of November. The AGM is the highest authority of CTI. Members shall be invited in writing, either by mail with at least 15 days' notice. Voting rights are reserved to those companies sending a representative to the AGM. Proposals for debate need to be sent to the board at least 7 days prior to the AGM. These proposals shall then be sent to members with at least 5 days' notice.

Article 8

Agenda for Annual General Meeting:

  1. Appointment of the Chair of the meeting

  2. Appointment of the Secretary of the meeting

  3. Presentation of the board's Annual Report and of suggestions for next year's priorities

  4. Amendments to the Rules and Procedures, if applicable

  5. Election of board members:
    a) chairman for one year
    b) 2 board members for two years, if applicable

  6. Announcement of election results

  7. Other issues


Article 9

Decisions at the AGM require a simple majority vote. At Ice DC's meeting, all members shall have equal voting rights, i.e. every member company has one vote.

Við atkvæðagreiðslu á aðalfundi ræður einfaldur meirihluti. Allir fullgildir aðilar að starfsgreinahópnum hafa jafnan atkvæðisrétt á fundum félagsins, þ.e. hverju fyrirtæki fylgir eitt atkvæði.

Article 10

An additional Annual General Meeting can be convened if 2/3 of members put forward such a request. The meeting shall in that case be held no later than 30 days after the board receives this request.

Article 11

The board shall decide on the division of tasks during their first board meeting following the AGM, no later than 14 days after the AGM.

Article 12

The AGM can take decisions on changes of these Rules and Procedures, if at least half of the members attend the meeting and a change is approved by 2/3 of attendees.

Article 13

Approved at the founding meeting for CleanTech Iceland, 1. June 2010.