International co-operation
The icelandic people are highly dependant upon foreign trade and close interaction with other countries. The EEA membership and Iceland´s relationship with the European Union are most important. We take part in international co-operation to monitor and influence international development which increasingly dictates the working environment of Icelandic enterprises.
The Icelandic people are highly dependant upon foreign trade and close interaction with other countries. The EEA membership and Iceland´s relationship with the European Union are most important. We take part in international co-operation to monitor and influence international development which increasingly dictates the working environment of Icelandic enterprises.
- Working towards Iceland becoming a member of the European Union and joining the single currency has been defined by the executive board as one of the SI´s major policies.
- SI support the Center for Small States which is currently conducting research into the economic benefits of the participation of small European states in European collaboration.
- SI take part in meetings with the ministry of foreign affairs concerning foreign trade.
- SI actively participate in a wide variety of projects with SI´s sister organisations in other nordic countries concerning legislation, international trade, innovation, development and matters related to the individual industry.
- SI promote the interests and participation of industrial companies in international research and development.
- SI are members of UNICE which looks after the interests of European business within in the European Union.