Export – Internationalisation

Foreign investment in Iceland

Increased export and internationalisation are important to the growth and development of Icelandic businesses. With increased globalisation the importance of these factors has increased rapidly within SI - the Federation of Icelandic Industries.

  • SI are a founder member of The Icelandic Export Council actively taking part in it´s strategic planning.
  • SI promote the coordination and co-operation between The Overseas Business Services and the Icelandic Trade Council
  • SI take part in numerous projects concerning business opportunities abroad, such as trade shows, exhibitions, publishing and public relations.
  • SI have influenced legislation to strengthen the Export Credit Guarantee Department in order to increase the competitiveness of industrial companies when exporting goods and services.
  • SI initiated the development of electronic product lists on the internet, such as NAS.IS and PRODUCTS.IS, introducing Icelandic goods and services to the global marketplace.
  • SI assist Icelandic enterprises investing abroad and collaborating with foreign investors regarding investments in Icelandic technology companies and large-scale industry.