SI - the Federation of Icelandic Industries - A strong network
One can compare SI - the Federation of Iceland Industries to a close meshed network of contacts which looks after the complex and different interests of industrial companies. The federation is all in one a service-, communication-, information- and safety network.
SI - the Federation of Iceland Industries a network of contacts which looks after the complex and different interests of industrial companies. The federation is all in one a service-, communication-, information- and safety network.
SI has around 1.400 members, both companies and employer organisations. They are quite different from each other in terms of size, products and markets. This variety makes our job challenging and necessary at the same time. We take care to emphasize what the companies have in common while also looking after individual needs. The successful implementation of this strategy has made SI - the Federation of Icelandic Industries the largest and most influential employer organisation in the country.
SI - the Federation of Icelandic Industries looks after the interests of industry in every way and in close co-operation with the individual enterprise. The work is based on strategic work done by nine occupational work groups and over twenty organisations. The service available to members is on one hand individual to the enterprise or occupational work group and on the other general in such matters as quality, education, marketing and public relations.
Among the federation's tasks is to:
- Improve the general working environment by influencing government policy
- Monitor international trends in management
- Monitor and influence Iceland´s international position, particularly in European context
- Increase efficiency by introducing new and improved management methods
- Make sure rules are followed in the marketplace
- Encourage co-operation between companies
- Give service and advice
SI - The Federation of Icelandic Industries
Borgartúni 35 - IS 105 Reykavik - Tel. +354 591 0100 - Fax +354 591 0101 - -