EN (Page 2)
Publishing Issues
News and information related to the interests of industry is communicated to members, the public and government agencies. We plan our work carefully and use the media we find best suited each time.
Read moreMember organisations and occupational work groups
Being a member of SI means that companies taka an active part in shaping their own future and working environment and influence the prioritisation of SI´s tasks in line with their own interests.
Read moreThe working environment of industry
SI - the Federation of Icelandic Industries promotes the interests of industry in every way. Emphasis is placed on improving the working- and competitive conditions of Icelandic industries. We work towards the progress of industry wherever it´s working conditions are being formed, in co-operation with the Icelandic government as well as foreign bodies.
Read moreInternational co-operation
The icelandic people are highly dependant upon foreign trade and close interaction with other countries. The EEA membership and Iceland´s relationship with the European Union are most important. We take part in international co-operation to monitor and influence international development which increasingly dictates the working environment of Icelandic enterprises.
Read moreJoining SI
SI - The Federation of Icelandic Industries
Read moreSI - the Federation of Icelandic Industries - A strong network
One can compare SI - the Federation of Iceland Industries to a close meshed network of contacts which looks after the complex and different interests of industrial companies. The federation is all in one a service-, communication-, information- and safety network.
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