Norrænir arkitektar á vinnustofu með Autodesk
Ingibjörg Benediktsdóttir, arkitekt hjá T.ark, var fulltrúi Samtaka arkitektastofa, SAMARK, í vinnustofu Autodesk með norrænum arkitektasamtökum sem haldin var í Boston fyrir skömmu. Þar var unnið að verkefnum tengdum Autodesk sem er hugbúnaðarfyrirtæki og eiganda að hugbúnaði sem notaður er við hönnun. SAMARK hefur nýlega stofnað stafrænan vinnuhóp sem í eru auk Ingibjargar Svava Bragadóttir hjá Arkís, Þorsteinn Aðalbjörnsson hjá Batteríinu og Hjörtur Pálsson hjá Optimum f.h. BIM Ísland. Vinnuhópurinn var stofnaður sérstaklega í kringum samnorrænt umbótaverkefni í tengslum við Autodesk.
Myndin er af hópnum sem tók þátt í vinnustofunni í Boston, Ingibjörg er fimmta frá vinstri.
Hér er hægt að nálgast opið bréf til Autodesk.
Hér fer frétt af vinnustofunni:
In the middle of March, a selected group of six individuals from the four Nordic associations behind the Nordic letter to Autodesk, flew to Boston and participated in a two-day in-person workshop hosted by Autodesk, more specifically by the wider development team behind Revit.
The workshop was focused on short-term goals and quick fixes for Revit, with a big focus on identifying the development items that would have the biggest impact on time saved, not only for architects, but generally for all users of Revit. Prior to the workshop we had compiled a prioritized list of both Revit issues and ideas, based on input from members of each of the four associations, which was used as the foundation and backbone of the workshop.
We split the two days into four overarching topics, with various developers from Autodesk participating depending on the subjects being discussed. The workshop ended up becoming a good combination of us showing or explaining issues and ideas on the list, as well as the Revit development team showing what they were currently up to. The developers were also asking questions and taking notes to better understand our architectural workflows and ideas.
Throughout the workshop we also identified potential quick-fixes and/or small bugs, which got placed on a knockout list, for the Revit team to possibly fix in between bigger development tasks. We are now awaiting Autodesk to come back to us, with an update on which areas and items they can commit to fixing, both in relation to the knockout list as well as bigger areas and items.
We will be following up with a more detailed update in the coming weeks, once we know more, and hopefully also with a few more technical details on the items we discussed.
But all in all, the workshop went well, we all left with a quite positive feeling. Obviously, there is still a lot to do. Given the pace of development we've observed thus far, we're curious about the timeline for implementing the suggested improvements in future Revit releases. The good news is that there seems to be a willingness from both sides to work out some of the current issues that we have been putting forward.