
  • Stofnun DCI

14. mar. 2012

Samtök íslenskra gagnavera, DCI, stofnuð innan SI

Samtök íslenskra gagnavera (DCI) voru formlega stofnuð innan Samtaka iðnaðarins föstudaginn 2. mars s.l. Markmið samtakanna er að standa vörð um hagsmuni gagnavera á Íslandi.
Mikil vaxtatækifæri felast innan greinarinnar verði henni tryggð samkeppnishæf starfsskilyrði.  DCI munu því vinna að því að gagnaveraiðnaður fái tækifæri til að vaxa og dafna hérlendis.
Stjórnina skipa, Kolbeinn Einarsson hjá Advania, stjórnarformaður og meðstjórnendur eru Isaac Kato hjá Vern Holdings ehf. og Ágúst Einarsson hjá Nýherja.


Data Centres Iceland within SI

Data Centres Iceland (DCI), a industry advocacy group for the Icelandic data centre industry, was founded within the Federation of Icelandic Industries (SI) on Friday the 2nd of March.

The main goal of DCI is to promote the interests of the nascent data centre industry in Iceland. The country is an attractive location for the global data centre industry, given its abundance of green power and relatively low and stable energy prices.  

The mission of DCI is to support the growth and development of this new industry and ensure that Iceland is a preferred location for new data centres and their customers from Europe, the U.S., and around the globe.

The board consists of, the chairman, Kolbeinn Einarsson from Advania, Isaac Kato of Verne Global, and Ágúst Einarsson of Nýherji.